Telleroo allows you to quickly add, edit and remove users and limit the actions they can take in Telleroo.
When adding a user you have the option of adding 4 roles. Below is a brief description of what these roles are:
Viewer - Allows the user to view pay runs and payments but bank details are censored. If combined with another role bank details are uncensored.
Creator - Allows the user to create pay runs for approval and setup connections to other apps such as the Xero bank feed.
Approver - Allows the user to approve pay runs that are awaiting approval. If combined with creator the user will be able to create pay runs that don't require approval.
Admin - Allows the user to add/edit users to Telleroo. This includes the ability to amend their own roles. We recommend keeping admins users as few as possible due to the extend of their controls.