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See how we integrate with payroll software

Andrew Cookson avatar
Written by Andrew Cookson
Updated over a week ago

Staffology automatically syncs payroll pay runs into Telleroo under awaiting approval. To setup Staffology follow the steps below:

Connecting Staffology to Telleroo

  1. In Staffology go to Settings -> Connected Services

2. Click payments in the header and select Telleroo. This will redirect you to Telleroo to connect. Follow the instructions on screen.

Create a payroll pay run from Staffology

  1. First you need to make sure your employees' bank details are added to Staffology. To check go to the top bar and click Employees > Select an employee > Click on the Bank Account tab.

2. Then in Staffology go to Reports > Payruns > Required Payments

3. Run the pay run report by choosing (for example) Period 5 > click Preview.

4. Click post payments.

5. Choose a date you want the pay run to be scheduled for.

6. Now the pay run will be created straight away in Telleroo under awaiting approval.

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